Terms of purchase

The seller is Fattighuset Studio AS, Odinsgate 20, 0266 Oslo,

dennis@kiilmgmt.com, 936 50 002

925 904 732 , hereinafter referred to as the seller.


The stated price for the item and services is the total price the buyer must pay. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller before the purchase has not informed about, the buyer shall not bear. The price of the products is from 149 - 399, - including shipping.

The seller can demand payment for the item from the time it is sent from the seller to the buyer. When paying with an invoice, the invoice to the buyer is issued when the item is shipped. The payment deadline is stated on the invoice and is a minimum of 14 days from receipt.

Buyers under the age of 18 cannot pay with a subsequent invoice.

Delivery takes place when the buyer has taken over the thing.

If the delivery time is not stated in the order solution, the seller must deliver the item to the buyer without undue delay and no later than 30 days after the order from the customer. The item must be delivered to the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.

Right of withdrawal:
Unless the agreement is exempt from the right of withdrawal, the buyer may cancel the purchase of the item in accordance with the Right of Withdrawal Act. The buyer must notify the seller of the use of the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the deadline begins to run. The deadline includes all calendar days. If the deadline ends on a Saturday, public holiday or public holiday, the deadline is extended to the nearest working day.

The cancellation deadline is considered complied with if notification is sent before the expiry of the deadline. The buyer has the burden of proving that the right of withdrawal has been exercised, and the notification should therefore be made in writing (right of withdrawal form, e-mail or letter).

The cancellation period begins to run:

  • When purchasing individual items, the cancellation period will run from the day after the item (s) is received.
  • If the purchase consists of several deliveries, the cancellation period will run from the day after the last delivery has been received.

When using the right of withdrawal, the item must be returned to the seller without undue delay and no later than 14 days from notification of use of the right of withdrawal has been given. The buyer covers the direct costs of returning the item, unless otherwise agreed or the seller has failed to state that the buyer will cover the return costs. The seller cannot set a fee for the buyer's use of the right of withdrawal.

The buyer can try or test the item in a responsible manner to determine the item's nature, properties and function, without the right of withdrawal lapse. If testing or testing of the item goes beyond what is justifiable and necessary, the buyer may be responsible for any reduced value of the item.

The seller is obliged to repay the purchase price to the buyer without unnecessary delay, and no later than 14 days from the seller was notified of the buyer's decision to exercise the right of withdrawal.

In the case of Fattighuset Studio´, notice of the right of withdrawal applies via email ( dennis@kiilmgmt.com) within 14 days as explained above (taken from forbrukertilsynet.no).

Defect in the item - the buyer's rights and complaint deadline:
If there is a defect in the item, the buyer must within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered, notify the seller that he or she will invoke the defect. The buyer has always complained in time if it happens within 2 months. from the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the item. If the product or parts of it are intended to last significantly longer than two years, the complaint deadline is five years.

Complaints to Fattighuset Studio AS should be made in writing via email: dennis@kiilmgmt.com

Conflict resolution:
Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time and the parties shall try to resolve any disputes amicably. If this does not succeed, the buyer can contact the Norwegian Consumer Agency for mediation.

Fattighuset Studio AS will take all inquiries by email and solve any problems and challenges in an orderly and clear manner.

Read more at: forbrukertilsynet.no